Checkstyle Results
The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 10.21.1 with checkstyle.xml ruleset.
Files |
Info |
Warnings |
Errors |
67 |
0 |
107 |
0 |
Category |
Rule |
Violations |
Severity |
coding |
OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder |
1 |
Warning |
imports |
- separateLineBetweenGroups:
- sortImportsInGroupAlphabetically:
- customImportOrderRules:
- tokens:
79 |
Warning |
javadoc |
JavadocParagraph |
5 |
Warning |
- forbiddenSummaryFragments:
"^@return the *|^This method returns |^A [{]@code [a-zA-Z0-9]+[}]( is a )" |
5 |
Warning |
naming |
- tokens:
- ignoreFinal:
- allowedAbbreviations:
- allowedAbbreviationLength:
"0" |
14 |
Warning |
sizes |
- fileExtensions:
- max:
- ignorePattern:
"^package.*|^import.*|a href|href|http://|https://|ftp://" |
3 |
Error |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions' |
35 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions' |
35 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions' |
35 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
28 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
35 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
44 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
47 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
33 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'mockit.Expectations' |
40 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions' |
43 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
48 |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'login_throwIOException' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
235 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
34 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
36 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'waffle.util.AuthorizationHeader' |
39 |
Warning |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122). |
75 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'mockit.Expectations' |
31 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Test' |
36 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'waffle.util.CorsPreFlightCheck' |
38 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
36 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
45 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
47 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'waffle.servlet.spi.SecurityFilterProvider' |
50 |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'disableSSO' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
102 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'java.lang.reflect.Field' |
31 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'mockit.Expectations' |
35 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions' |
40 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'waffle.util.CorsPreFlightCheck' |
43 |
Warning |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 120 characters (found 131). |
99 |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'testExcludeCorsAndOAUTHBearerAuthorization_doFilter' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
147 |
Warning |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 120 characters (found 131). |
165 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
30 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'javax.xml.XMLConstants' |
35 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
44 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'waffle.util.WaffleInfo' |
49 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
33 |
Warning |
coding |
OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder |
All overloaded methods should be placed next to each other. Previous overloaded method located at line '124'. |
155 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions' |
29 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
32 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
29 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
33 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'waffle.util.AuthorizationHeader' |
36 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
29 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
35 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'waffle.util.AuthorizationHeader' |
38 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
29 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
31 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest' |
28 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
31 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
37 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'waffle.util.AuthorizationHeader' |
40 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'java.util.Base64' |
28 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
31 |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'isSPNegTokenInitMessage' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
150 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'java.util.ArrayList' |
28 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
32 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'mockit.Expectations' |
28 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions' |
32 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'SPNegoMessage' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'SPNegoMessageTest' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
32 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'java.awt.Desktop' |
32 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'javax.xml.XMLConstants' |
43 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
53 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
58 |
Warning |
javadoc |
JavadocParagraph |
Empty line should be followed by <p> tag on the next line. |
71 |
Warning |
javadoc |
JavadocParagraph |
Empty line should be followed by <p> tag on the next line. |
79 |
Warning |
javadoc |
JavadocParagraph |
Empty line should be followed by <p> tag on the next line. |
87 |
Warning |
javadoc |
JavadocParagraph |
<p> tag should be preceded with an empty line. |
103 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException' |
28 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions' |
30 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
37 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.slf4j.Logger' |
29 |
Warning |
javadoc |
JavadocParagraph |
<p> tag should be preceded with an empty line. |
47 |
Warning |
javadoc |
SummaryJavadoc |
First sentence of Javadoc is missing an ending period. |
87 |
Warning |
javadoc |
SummaryJavadoc |
First sentence of Javadoc is missing an ending period. |
99 |
Warning |
javadoc |
SummaryJavadoc |
First sentence of Javadoc is missing an ending period. |
111 |
Warning |
javadoc |
SummaryJavadoc |
First sentence of Javadoc is missing an ending period. |
121 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
javadoc |
SummaryJavadoc |
First sentence of Javadoc is missing an ending period. |
31 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'java.time.Duration' |
28 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative' |
30 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'IWindowsAccount' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'IWindowsAuthProvider' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'IWindowsComputer' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'IWindowsCredentialsHandle' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
31 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'IWindowsDomain' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'IWindowsIdentity' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'IWindowsImpersonationContext' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
naming |
AbbreviationAsWordInName |
Abbreviation in name 'IWindowsSecurityContext' must contain no more than '1' consecutive capital letters. |
33 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions' |
30 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
35 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
29 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
31 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
31 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
40 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'waffle.util.cache.Cache' |
45 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'java.util.ArrayList' |
30 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
33 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
33 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
28 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
31 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before 'java.util.ArrayList' |
32 |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
35 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
31 |
Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Warning |
imports |
CustomImportOrder |
Extra separation in import group before '' |
36 |